Tuesday 5 March 2013

Title Sequence Research - Red Lights

The opening sequence of Red Lights consists of various stereotypical aspects that a thriller opening would have. The lack of lighting and mysterious titles along with the odd barely visible image which creates alot of mystery from the start is very common in various different types of thrillers. The inclusion of shots showing a variety of objects zoomed in has a great effect and is another thing we could take into account when producing our own opening. To add the text is a very subtle touch used in this opening however it is very effective tool as it compliments the background and is also a very subtle font following the theme of mystery and keeping the audience in the dark so they wonder what to expect from the film.

Each shot in the storyboard above is very dark and the colour scheme sticks to shades of black,grey and white. Except for the red lights which appear behind the title. This demonstrates that there is some sort of importance associated with these Red Lights and is very effective. This is a feature that could be adapted in many ways and we can take it into account when producing our own opening.

The images of a pen writing and mysterious cards suggest a dark psychological twist in the film as these things are associated with the mind. Although we are not creating a psychological thriller it is an effective technique that can also be adapted to the different style of thrillers.

By Ryan Dowley

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