Tuesday 5 March 2013


Here is a complete draft of our thriller film opening. The script includes the final agreed upon title of our thriller film 'Vindictive'; a title we believe conveys the nature of the complete film and is effective dramatically as it keeps the audience pondering how exactly the theme of vengeance relates to opening as they watch the video.



Here is our thriller opening storyboard, allowing us and any other interested to somewhat visualise what the thriller opening video will look like.

Prop List

Here is a list of the props that we plan to use in our thriller opening video, we may decide to not use some of these in our final production depending on the effectiveness we believe they will have when using them and availability of objects:
  • Gun replicas: Will be used in Scene 4; by the alleged 'terrorists' in a gun exchange and by Ryan as he prepares to face the criminals.
  • Bag: Will be used in Scene 4 during the gun exchange as a means of carrying the contraband.

  • Phones: Will be used by Ryan in Scene 1 as he talks to Yasser when leaving his deceased wife's grave, By Yasser when contacting the 'terrorists' in Scene 3 and by Ryan in Scene 4 as he makes his journey to the abandoned estate location.

  • Document folder(s): Will be used in Scene 2 by Yasser when presenting the fabricated documents by him designed to deceit Ryan's character.

  • Formal suits: Will be used by Yasser and Ryan in all scene's they are present in order to present them in the formal image we wish to convey.

  • Flowers: Will be used in Scene 1, when Ryan shows his respect by placing the flowers on his deceased wife's grave.

  • Middle eastern traditional clothing and scarf's: Traditional Arabian clothing will be worn by Martin and Halim in the stereotypical portrayal of Muslim extremists designed by the agency Ryan used to work for to fool him, in this trap.

    Antagonist Comparison

    Our thriller opening consists of a protagonist, an ex-cop and antagonists in the form of a whole organisation, which he believes is a terrorist organisation, but is in fact the agency he used to work for.

    This is similar to the film Taken as in the film the protagonist is forced to face a criminal organisation in order to protect a loved one, knowing very little about them and are outnumbered by this organisation.

    They have committed a grave crime and have made him an enemy as a result, when discovering he is after them they attempt to kill him.

    Both adults have a particular developed set of abilities which allow them to remain alive and achieve their mission and this makes them a threat to their enimies. They also both have a strong motivation behind their mission concerning a loved one.

    A notable difference between the two is the fact that the antagonists in Taken have something belonging to the protagonist that they do not want to lose. In our thriller this is not the case. Therefore the antagonists in our film are in a more powerful position because they have nothing to lose unlike the antagonists in Taken.

    Protagonist Comparison

    Our thriller features a protagonist similar to many films but a very notable character that he can be compared to is 'Bryan Mills' who is played by Liam Neeson in the film 'Taken'. The reason he is very similar to our character is because he is pursuing a similar objective to the protagonist we have created ( His family are in jeopardy therefore he seeks to solve all issues and take revenge on the people responsible  However, he is not exactly the same as our protagonist due to the fact that he is mainly used as an action character yet the role we have created is not centred around action nearly as much as the role played by Liam Neeson in Taken. Furthermore in Taken, Mills solves all of his problems fully through his action, we have included many different ways in which our character aims to resolve his issues. For example, the sources he has that he can use to gather information which he manipulates greatly to aid him on his quest. Another difference between the two is the fact that in Taken Liam Neeson is chasing his enemies as they are in the position of power and have something that he needs however in our opening the antagonists are not in any position of power, the protagonist just wants to take revenge and is willing to do a lot to get it. Therefore throughout Taken he is trying to save his family whereas our protagonist is only out to kill.


    Sony HD Handycam - This camera is what we will use to film and it shoots at 25 frames per second therefore it creates a visible smoothness when we record which will benefit our opening. Also it has a 12x zoom which can be beneficial as there is potential for us to use these features throughout our shoot.

     Tripod - We will be using a basic tripod throughout our shoot which will provide us with stable shots which we will need for any conversations or monologues and can also provide a very smooth pan effect which will be beneficial in various scenes throughout our opening.



    Microphone - We will be using a microphone to record any speech or sound vital to the opening as it provides clear sound with no interventions from any other source of sound. This is beneficial especially because when filming with the camera it is likely that unwanted sounds will be present therefore we have our microphone to rely on.

    By Ryan Dowley

    Sound Research

    Before shooting it is important to be aware of sound and how to go about adding it in to our opening correctly. For this reason it is key that we understand synchronous and asynchronous sound.

    Synchronous sound is when the image on screen corresponds with the sound that the audience can hear. This can be anything from speech to an action that happens on screen.

    Asynchronous sound is when the sound does not correspond with what we see on screen. This can have various effects but is particularly effective in thrillers as a director can create tension or mystery by using a sound and not showing its source.

    We will include both of these types of sound in our own opening.

    By Ryan Dowley

    Title Sequence Research - Red Lights

    The opening sequence of Red Lights consists of various stereotypical aspects that a thriller opening would have. The lack of lighting and mysterious titles along with the odd barely visible image which creates alot of mystery from the start is very common in various different types of thrillers. The inclusion of shots showing a variety of objects zoomed in has a great effect and is another thing we could take into account when producing our own opening. To add the text is a very subtle touch used in this opening however it is very effective tool as it compliments the background and is also a very subtle font following the theme of mystery and keeping the audience in the dark so they wonder what to expect from the film.

    Each shot in the storyboard above is very dark and the colour scheme sticks to shades of black,grey and white. Except for the red lights which appear behind the title. This demonstrates that there is some sort of importance associated with these Red Lights and is very effective. This is a feature that could be adapted in many ways and we can take it into account when producing our own opening.

    The images of a pen writing and mysterious cards suggest a dark psychological twist in the film as these things are associated with the mind. Although we are not creating a psychological thriller it is an effective technique that can also be adapted to the different style of thrillers.

    By Ryan Dowley

    Title Sequence Research - Casino Royale

    The title shots of Casino Royale demonstrate a unique style with the use of things such as the free flowing movement of the credits. Additionally the background which consists of fights and various other captivating shots including targets and guns etc. is very good at setting the tone for the rest of the film. There are many things used in the opening of Casino Royale that our group could use as an influence when making our very own opening. For me the most notable and effective feature of this particular opening is the style of title. Very clear and bold which gets the credits shown and noticed however when combined with the unorthodox background it remains captivating for the audience. Furthermore the use of blood and guns in the opening suggests what viewers can expect throughout the film and we can take this into account making a film of a similar type. 

    The storyboard above shows the opening to Casino Royale. The re-appearance of guns throughout the opening suggest alot of violence and combat will be present in the film. This is only amplified by the ongoing fight scene that we are shown. Images such as the sight of a gun in front of bullet holes also have a clear connotation of violence.

    There are more subtle factors that effect the opening such as the inclusion of blood and the colour red. Once again suggesting violent themes are to be expected. In addition we see the symbols of card suits throughout the whole opening sticking with the title 'Casino Royale'. This suggests the cunning and intelligent side to James Bond may be shown in the film.

    By Ryan Dowley