Wednesday 27 February 2013

Title Fonts

King Kong - The font used in the title of a film can be quite important and reflects on the film itself. A great example of this is 'King Kong' which is about a giant gorilla who is released into modern society from his native home and he goes wild causing chaos in society. The title is very good as it is in big bold dominant letters which reflect the events of the film.

Blade Runner - The title of blade runner has various connotations most notably the slash that goes through the whole title clearly representing the 'blade' part of the title. Additionally the font is blood red which could be a symbol of the death that is shown throughout the film.

The Godfather - A connotation that may not be noticed so easily is the arrangement of the title. In this case, the title is very concise and organised which could relate to the nature of the film (Organised crime). This could be something to take into account when making our own title.

By Ryan Dowley

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